Paul-Robin Sjöström at Vännäsgången 12, Vällingby

Group exhibition | 5 - 10 may 2023

Market Art Fair presents, in collaboration with NREP and curators Elias Kautsky and Anne Vigeland, the group exhibition Splendid Silent Sun.


The exhibition explores the relationships we create with our dwellings and how a slight shift in perspective, a single idea, can seem to alter a place for good. Taking place in the midst of Vällingby Centrum, the exhibition includes works by Karolina Brobäck, Berenike Corcuera, A K Dolven, Paul-Robin Sjöström, Lisa Tan, and Johan Thurfjell. Two public artworks, Flora and Fauna by Tilda Lovell, and The Sun Dial by Sven Holmström and Ole Berg have also been incorporated in a geographic extension of the exhibition – altogether asking us to expand our awareness and imagination across history and space.


For more information: Splendid Silent Sun