5 x 1 – Group exhibition curated by Tom Hedqvist & Ingela Håkansson Lamm: INTRODUCING ANDERS WENNGREN, NINA HEMMINGSSON & PETER ANDERSSON

23 May - 20 June 2024

Tom Hedqvist (b. 1948) is educated at Beckmans College of Design in Stockholm, and co-founder of the designer collective Ten Swedish Designers. He has previously been appointed Professor of Graphical Design at Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm, artistic director of Orrefors Glassworks, Rector of Beckmans College of Design, and Director of Röhsska Museet in Gothenburg. His works have been exhibited at Nordiska museet, Stockholm, Institut suédois, Paris, Waldemarsudde, Stockholm, Millesgården, Stockholm, Röhsska Museet, Gothenburg, and most recently in the two-person exhibition "Rum bilder ränder", together with Ingela Håkansson Lamm at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Stockholm, in 2020. Hedqvist is represented in the collections of Nationalmuseum, Nordiska museet, Röhsska Museet and Textilmuseet in Borås.


Ingela Håkansson Lamm (b. 1944) is educated at Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm, and co-founder of the designer collective Ten Swedish Designers. Her work has been exhibited at, among others, Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Millesgården, Stockholm, and Röhsska Museet, Gothenburg. A retrospective of her work was shown in 2020 at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Stockholm, in the critically acclaimed exhibition "Rum bilder ränder" (w. Tom Hedqvist). Håkansson Lamm has also been commissioned to do large scale public works for the city of Stockholm, such as The District Court (1989) and Hagastaden (2015), and her work is represented in the collections of Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Malmö Museum, Kalmar Konstmuseum, Röhsska museet, Gothenburg, and Public Art Agency Sweden, to name a few.


Anders Wenngren (b. 1947) is an artist, illustrator and architect educated at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. In 1980, he moved to New York, where he has spent the majority of his time since, creating illustrations for books, advertising, and numerous publications such as Condé Nast, New York Times, Forbes, Boston Globe, and Vogue. He has also created textile design patterns for Ten Swedish Designers. Previous solo exhibitions include Galleri Gethel, Malmö (1988), Seibu, Tokyo (1989), Galerie Siebensterne, Vienna (1989), Chashama Gallery, New York (2019), and Galleri Glas, Stockholm (2020).


Nina Hemmingsson (b. 1971) is an artist, writer, and cartoonist educated at Trondheim Academy of Fine Art. Since the release of her debut book, Jag är din flickvän nu (2006), Hemmingsson has established herself as one of Sweden’s foremost cartoonists. She has published nine comic books, a collection of poems, and a novel, and has appeared in numerous newspapers and magazines. Previous solo and group exhibition venues include Litografiska museet, Huddinge (2022), Arbetets museum, Norrköping (2021), Bror Hjorts hus, Uppsala (2018), and Uppsala konstmuseum (2018). In 2024, Hemmingsson was awarded Stockholm stads kulturpris (the City of Stockholm’s Culture Prize), having previously received awards such as the Karin Boye Prize, the Mare Kandre Award, and Adamson Awards.


Peter Andersson (b. 1970) is a furniture and interior architect born in 1970 educated at Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts, & Design. After graduating in 1999, he established Peter Andersson Studio, focusing on contextual design ranging from conceptual to strictly functional objects. As one of the most influential designers in the conceptual design of the 1990s and 2000s conceptual design, Andersson participated in the critically acclaimed group exhibition "Konceptdesign" at Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, in 2005. His work is represented in the collections of Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Värmlands museum, and Möbeldesignmuseum. Andersson has previously worked as head teacher at Beckmans College of Design, and senior lecturer in furniture design at Konstfack.

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