Viktor Rosdahl b. 1980
Viktor Rosdahl's work straddles the line between the personal and the political. Encountering a place, an image or a specific object – often a somewhat ruined one – can set off an entire story in his imagination. As viewers, we become witness to his attempts to visualize these stories together with their physical point of departure, may it be the public housing programs of the 1960s, alpine landscapes, or a swarming crowd of people. Motifs are often repeated in series where Rosdahl allows his subjects to intersect and cross-reference each other as they transform and reappear in different forms, scales, and compositions. Facing Rosdahl’s work, you can sense an underlying urge and painterly curiosity. Thematically, Rosdahl typically returns to the vulnerability of the individual as well as the relationship between image and reality as we perceive it.
Viktor Rosdahl (b. 1980, Helsingborg) lives and works in Malmö. Rosdahl is educated at Malmö Art Academy (2002–2007) and The Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm (2005). In 2008, he had his first solo exhibition at Galleri Magnus Åklundh, Malmö, and the following year at Christian Larsen Gallery, Stockholm. Since then, his work has been presented in larger contexts at, amongst many others, Moderna Museet, Stockholm/Malmö, Lunds konsthall, Kummelholmen, Stockholm, CAC, Vilnius, Gävle Konstcentrum, GIBCA, Röda Sten Konsthall, Gothenburg, Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm, Malmö Konsthall, and at international art fairs such as CHART Art Fair, Copenhagen, Frieze New York, The Armory Show, New York, VOLTA Basel and Art Brussels. Previous solo exhibitions include Galleri Cora Hillebrand, Gothenburg, Galleri Arnstedt, Östra Karup, Pumphuset, Landskrona, Galleri Thomas Wallner, Simris, Christian Larsen Gallery, Stockholm, Dortmund Bodega, Oslo, and Ljungbergmuseet, Ljungby. Rosdhahl is represented in the collections of Moderna Museet, Helsingborgs museum, Malmö Konstmuseum, Public Art Agency Sweden, Norrköpings Konstmuseum, Göteborgs Stad, Ståhl Collection, et al., and has been awarded grants from Maria Bonnier Dahlins Stiftelse, Edstrandska stiftelsen, Konstnärsnämnden and Malmö stad.
Viktor Rosdahl at Dunkers Kulturhus, Helsingborg
Solo exhibition | 20 mar - 21 sep 2025Viktor Rosdahl En strimma av klarhet March 21 – September 21, 2025 For more information: dunkerskulturhus.seRead more -
Viktor Rosdahl at Norrtälje konsthall
Group exhibition | 5 oct - 23 nov 2024For more information: norrtalje.seRead more -
Andreas Glad, Elizabeth Thun & Viktor Rosdahl at Galleri Thomas Wallner, Simrishamn
Group exhibition | 16 mar - 2 jun 2024For more information: gallerithomaswallner.comRead more -
Viktor Rosdahl at Ravinen, Båstad
Group exhibition | 16 sep - 7 jan 2023For more information: ravinenkultur.seRead more -
Viktor Rosdahl at Werkhalle Wiesenburg, Berlin
Solo exhibition | 1 - 24 sep 2023 Read more -
Andreas Glad, Elizabeth Thun & Viktor Rosdahl at Ljungbergmuseet, Ljungby
Group exhibition | 18 jun - 28 aug 2022For more information: www.ljungbergmuseet.seRead more
Viktor Rosdahl | Publication by Region Stockholm
Ylva Hillström, "Livsvandring", Om konsten på Danderyds sjukhus -
Viktor Rosdahl | Review in Omkonst
Susanna Slöör, "Förändringar och förskjutningar", March 16, 2023 -
Viktor Rosdahl | Review in Konsten
Anders Olofsson, "Männikkö/Turunen hos Nordenhake och Rosdahl på Berg Gallery", March 10, 2023